[CentOS] Mass installs of desktop systems on identical machines

Jens Larsson

jens at nsc.liu.se
Tue Oct 14 14:45:17 UTC 2008

> > Any particular reason why not, if I may ask?

> Because other distributions have better support for brand-new consumer 
> hardware. Especially, if you consider the lifetime cycle of CentOS which 
> spans to 2014. Look at this not from the viewpoint of your mom, but from 
> the computershop that wants to sell lots of PCs to very different people 
> (which will expect to see *recent* software) and with (over the years) 
> quite differing hardware.
> Kai

But you don't want to supply consumers with an OS that gets unsupported 
before next christmas either, so Fedora is not the answer. Ubuntu LTS?


Jens Larsson, NSC, Linköpings universitet, SE-58183 LINKÖPING, SWEDEN
Phone: +46-13-281432, Mobile: +46-709-521432, E-mail: jens at nsc.liu.se
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