I am contemplating converting some of our internal networks from routable to private IPv4 address space. I have a question about RIP as implemented under Cisco IOS 12.x. Presently the setting for rip is: router rip version 2 passive-interface [[FastEthernet]]0/0 network aaa.bbb.ccc.0 no auto-summary What I would like to know is how one routes the entire 192.168/16 address space using rip. My perusal of the various Cisco manuals, technical documents and various O'Rielly books is not giving me any clear answer and I am rather reluctant to experiment on our live Internet connection. Will this do what I imagine it might, treat any address 192.168.x.y or 10.x.y.z as an internal network? router rip version 2 passive-interface [[FastEthernet]]0/0 network aaa.bbb.ccc.0 network network no auto-summary Regards, -- *** E-Mail is NOT a SECURE channel *** James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB at Harte-Lyne.ca Harte & Lyne Limited http://www.harte-lyne.ca 9 Brockley Drive vox: +1 905 561 1241 Hamilton, Ontario fax: +1 905 561 0757 Canada L8E 3C3