[CentOS] 10 Gb with CentOS

Thu Oct 2 17:57:21 UTC 2008
MHR <mhullrich at gmail.com>

2008/10/2 Ramon Nieto <rnietoz at yahoo.com.mx>:
> --- El jue 2-oct-08, Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de> escribió:
> Samba as a PDC with shares and user profiles for 1500+ users.
> PS.
> My last email using yahoo, i'll subscribe with a gmail account.

Ah, thank you - I couldn't even read what you wrote without beginning
this reply, so I figured I'd follow through and remind you to send
your email in text only (which you can do from Yahoo email, too, BTW).

Muchas gracias, señor!
