[CentOS] Nightly yum update did an "upgrade"

Fri Oct 3 22:23:58 UTC 2008
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Vandaman wrote:
>>From the notes on the "bug" you would have to have 4.5/os/$basearch/
> instead of $releasever/os/$basearch/ to get the "bug".

And you assume that since he is seeing similar effects, he must also
have done the exact same thing ?

> Also yum update
> or upgrade should not break anything unless you have packages from
> elsewhere and murked about with the configs. 

Not sure what your definition of 'murked' is - but if you mean to imply
that he has changed the default configs for software and services he has
on the machine to make it work in his environment as he might want them
to, I have news for you : almost everyone does that. Once installed its
normal to config the software to work as you want it to.

> I have looked on the last month's list and not seen :-
> - people whose machines took weeks to autoupdate.
> - people whose production machines were broken by 4.6 to 4.7
> Clearly Lutz's situation is unique and he has not told us the whole story.

you seem to realise that now, however that fact eluded you completely
with your first reply to his email.  And as Ralph has already pointed
out to you in this thread, a tone down would be welcome.

Karanbir Singh : http://www.karan.org/ : 2522219 at icq