[CentOS] mysqld breaks yum, help?

Mon Oct 6 09:50:39 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> RobertH wrote on Sun, 5 Oct 2008 13:39:26 -0700:
> > Why does disabling something that the centos website says is "highly
> > recommended" (multiple times) fix this issue?
> Because he has a non-standard setup. In case you didn't recognize: 
> stopping mysqld also fixes his problem! He installed some software that 
> affects threading and it's likely other things (that he didn't notice yet) 
> are also affected. It's still weird, though. If you do not overwrite any 
> base files you won't hit this problem.

That is not true. He is running on a VPS which probably does limiting on
threads he can use. mysqld uses up quite a bit of threads, and yum's
fastestmirror plugin uses up even more. So he hits a limit there - and
yes, this happens with standard repositories (the php doesn't account
for that behaviour). It's all the fault of the VPS he is running on.

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