[CentOS] Re: [OT] What is the best network monitoring tool?

Mon Oct 13 22:03:11 UTC 2008
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Ivan Levchenko wrote:

> exactly the way i'm thinking about it. this gives you the option to
> switch between any monitoring tool that properly supports snmp and  i
> will not have to change anything on the client side. plus, as far as i
> know, snmp gives disk usage info, and, afaik, also running processes.
> for now, that's enough for me.

Just remember that at least on linux, the cpu usage information
presented by SNMPD is wildly inaccurate, so don't rely on it for
that particular stat. I wrote my own little scripts to feed into
snmpd to get cpu usage and associated templates etc for cacti.
