[CentOS] How can I free the disk space after compiling kernel

Thu Oct 16 13:11:15 UTC 2008
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 8:54 AM, Ian jonhson <jonhson.ian at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recompiled my kernel and updated it to kernel-2.6.27.
> However, I found there are no more than 1G disk space left
> for my jobs.

Seriously?  What size hard drive did you start out with, a 4G kit?

> How can I free my disk space but in the same time keep
> all the compiled kernel modules (*.ko files) here?
> Can I remove the *.o files created by kernel compiling?
> Are there any commands to help me achieve this?

If you're not going to be building anything else against the kernel,
remove the kernel source directory.
rm and possibly find will be your friends.

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George Orwell