[CentOS] Re: RHEL 5.3 Beta released, beta-testers needed

Wed Oct 29 19:11:58 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 10-29-2008 11:54 AM Spike Turner spake the following:
> Dag Wieers wrote:
>> So if we can improve the testing during the RHEL Beta
>> program, everyone in the CentOS community directly benefits
>> from that as well. Therefor it makes a lot of sense to
>> encourage the large CentOS community to take part in the
>> RHEL Beta program and help with improving the next CentOS
>> releases. (You don't need my back patting, start already
>> !)
> These are the release notes 
> http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/5.3/html/Release_Notes/index.html 
> One commentary on RHEL 5.3 beta states "Support for Windows 
> Vista and 2008 is provided by Red Hat's rebased Samba 3.0.32."
> I would have like to have seen Red Hat release a rebased Samba 
> 3.0.32  through fastrack for 4.7 and 5.2
> Spike.
RedHat has not been in the habit, until recently, of releasing newer versions
of anything. They usually just backported what they needed or wanted to their
base. I think the new Firefox was a giant leap forward for them, as I thought
they were going to try and keep 1.5 patched for the next 5 years or so.

I suppose that either they are trying to economize on some of that labor, or
they are trying to respond to the users requests. Either way, you have to take
the updates as they see fit to release them, or try for the source rpm and
compile and test it on your own.

Whatever the reason, I guess we are benefiting from it.

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