[CentOS] kickstart problems

Tue Sep 2 15:44:14 UTC 2008
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Paolo Supino wrote:

>   It's a nice thing and I thought of doing it, but it's impractical and here
> is why: I have 42 systems in this cabinet. Each system as 4 NICs and I only
> have 1 48 port switch. If I had the additional switches to stack I would
> have done it a long time ago (and I would have sniffed the network to see
> where the heck it sending the packets). I checked all the systems that did
> install successfully (right now stands at 29) and in all of them the MAC
> address of NIC0 matches the MAC address for eth0 in Linux (which makes sense
> otherwise the install would have hung up).

I think you misunderstood.

Do it once, so you can see which NIC(s) are actually being used.

Then adjust the kickstart config(if needed) to specify the NIC(s)
you want to use.
