[CentOS] NFS exporting a GFS mount point

Tue Sep 9 03:19:41 UTC 2008
nate <centos at linuxpowered.net>

Yanagisawa, Koji wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a storage offering some 11 TB of space.  I'd happily use ext3
> and NFS export to 4 client machines, but 8 TB seems to be the tested
> maximum.  I'd really like one mount point for the whole 11 TB.  Since
> GFS offers lock_nolock option for local mounting, I'm assuming it's not
> so out of line to NFS export this GFS mount point.

I was planning on doing this  (exporting GFS over NFS) at my
previous company but left before I got the chance. Red Hat
sent me this document last year which seems very informative
on the topic

