[CentOS] Network issues with CentOS 5.2

Fri Sep 19 04:19:42 UTC 2008
Lanny Marcus <lmmailinglists at gmail.com>

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Joey Mendez <jmendez at ucsd.edu> wrote:
> I am totally new to using CentOS. Linux in Genera really. I have decent
> experiencing with terminal code for Macs though.

Jose:   Welcome!

> Here's the deal my Boss wants us to move more toward linux for some of our
> basic users. All I was supposed to do was install CentOS 5.2 and Open Office
> and disburse the machines. Simple enough right. So I did this with no issue.
> I ran the interface and installed only GNOME and KDE. After installation was
> complete I activated the eth-0 and had it on DHCP. I connected to the net
> fine and began downloading open office. I left for the day and came back and
> I can no longer get back online. The eth-0 wont even activate unless I
> manually enter a static IP but still can not establish a connection online.
> I treid reinstalling to no avail. Even built a completely new box and still
> no avail. I am using CentOS 5.2 i386 DVD.
> Like I said I am new to this so any guidance would be appreciated to get me
> into the Linux world. Thank you.

 Linux is based on UNIX and networking started there. Networking will
work for you!

I normally install both GNOME and KDE, but 99% of the time, I use GNOME. When I
install from a DVD, I install the majority of Applications and Systems
things I want at
that time. Then, in a Terminal Window (as root), do "yum update" to
update everything
to the latest version, for Security and Stability reasons.

In GNOME, at the lower left hand corner, click on System >
Administration >Network and enter the password for  root (the super
That brings you to a GUI utility called system-config-network  Be sure
that eth0 is shown as "Active" and then highlight it and click on
"Edit". Be sure that "Activate Device when computer starts is
checked". And, "Automatically obtain IP with DHCP". And, Automatically
obtain DNS.

A book I can recommend to you, would be the edition that covers Red
Hat Enterprise Linux  5, of "Red Hat Fedora and Enterprise Linux
Bible" by Christopher Negus. I'm sure that there are other excellent
books, but this one will explain a lot to you. I think the version
that covers RHEL 5 (CentOS is a rebuild of RHEL) is "Fedora 6 and Red
Hat Enterprise Linux Bible", however you need to verify that, before
you buy it, because I have an older version of the book. Please note
that much of the book is about Fedora Core. Red Hat Enterprise Linux
takes the best of Fedora Core and is a much more stable distribution,
without the "latest and greatest". So, the book will help you with
CentOS, because CentOS is a rebuild of RHEL.

HTH, Lanny in Colombia