[CentOS] Re: CentOS on a Sunfire 880

Mon Sep 22 15:07:14 UTC 2008
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

Tom G. Christensen wrote:
> John R Pierce wrote:
>  > Solaris 7 (2.7, sunos 5.7) is way past end of service life, and 8 is
>> nearly there.   9 is nearing the end.
> >
> Let's stick to the facts:
> http://www.sun.com/service/eosl/solaris/solaris_vintage_eol_5.2005.xml
> Solaris 7 reached its EOSL just last month. Solaris 8 won't reach it 
> for another 3½ years!

Ok, I jumped the gun a bit, and should have double checked my facts.

However, for all practical purposes, the EOL Phase 1 dates are the ones 
to go by as no patches are rreleased after that.   7 was EOL Phase 1 in 
2005, and 8 reaches that in March 09.

> Solaris 9 hasn't even stopped shipping yet so it's not "nearing the 
> end" in any way.

I suspect this will be pretty soon now, however, and EOL phase 1 is 2 
years later.