Wed Sep 24 18:39:58 UTC 2008
Bob Hoffman <bob at bobhoffman.com>


> You might want to show some logs or other evidence if you 
> want people to help you. 
> Ralph

You need logs to say you use DKIM/domain keys on your servers and how you
did it, rpm or compile?

Well, if it will help you tell me on your experience with DKIM I am up for


Return-Path:   <bob at bobhoffman.com> 

Authentication-Results:   mta108.mail.re1.yahoo.com from=bobhoffman.com;
domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received:   from (EHLO mail.bobhoffman.com) ( by
mta108.mail.re1.yahoo.com with SMTP; Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:28:44 -0700  

Received:   from obiwan2 ([]) (authenticated bits=0) by
mail.creativeprogramdesigners.com (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id
m8OGSCwJ014172 for <testaccount at yahoo.com>; Wed, 24 Sep 2008 12:28:12 -0400 

From:   "Bob Hoffman" <bob at bobhoffman.com> 

This is a virtualhost account, sent via smtp from my home, through the
server. The mail.creativ...com is the hostname of the server.

When sending from a php application, all the info is about the same, however
the 'received from' obviously says apache at mail.creat...com and the ip
address of the server is listed instead of the website.

It is my contention that DKIM will tip it for yahoo, but not sure it is
worth the work. As well as spf.