[CentOS] Re: scp partition "not a regular file"

Tue Sep 30 05:26:07 UTC 2008
henry ritzlmayr <centos at rc0.at>

Am Dienstag, den 30.09.2008, 06:25 +0530 schrieb partha chowdhury:
> henry ritzlmayr wrote:
> > Hi list, 
> > 
> > should it be possible to scp a partition with this command:
> > 
> > scp /dev/sda7 backupserver:/backup/sda7.img
> > 
> > I always get "not a regular file" - which is a clear and understandable
> > error, but my googling tells me that some people are doing this - and it
> > seems to work - at least at their systems.
> > 
> i think there are two simple ways to do this :
> 1> mount /dev/sda7 under say /mnt and scp -r /mnt <destination>
> 2> and rsync - i think it is most simple and suitable for backup through
> ssh.

If the content of /dev/sda7 is a filesystem I agree, but if its a raw
device (databases, or xen DOM-Us), then this won´t work. 

What I am trying to figure out is, why does this work on some (not mine)
