[CentOS] Backup and reinstall a CentOS server

Tue Sep 2 12:04:45 UTC 2008
Sergej Kandyla <sk.paix at gmail.com>

Marco Fretz wrote:
> If you want to copy the whole server, use cpio. We use this to convert
> phys servers to virtual.
> find / | cpio -o -Hnewc | ssh -c blowfish <remote server> "cpio -u -i -m
> -d -Hnewc"
Also you could use dump\restore utilites

mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1
cd /mnt/hdb1
dump -0uan -f - /boot  | restore -r -f -


>> - Any suggestions on BIND to log queries without SELINUX throwing a fuss?

You could use dns logining.
some example from one of my servers:

options {

logging {
         channel default_log {
                file "/var/log/named.log" size 50000k;
                severity info;
                print-time yes;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;
         channel more_log {
                file "/var/log/named_extend.log" size 20000k;
                severity info;
                print-time yes;
                print-category yes;
                print-severity yes;

         category default { default_log; };
         category xfer-in { default_log; };
         category xfer-out { default_log; };
         category notify { default_log; };
         category network { default_log; };

         category security { more_log; };
         category resolver { more_log; };
         category client { more_log; };
         category unmatched { more_log; };
         category database { more_log; };
         category lame-servers { null; };
         category queries { more_log;};

Best Wishes,