On Thu, 2008-09-11 at 15:15 -0400, Steve Huff wrote: > On Sep 11, 2008, at 2:40 PM, Ric Moore wrote: > > >> http://jpackage.org/ makes your life easier. > > > > Which of the jpackage sites do you use for yum? I'm definitely looking > > into cfengine, as mentioned by Nate. > > i'm not quite sure what you're asking here, unfortunately. i > configure yum for jpackage by putting http://jpackage.org/jpackage17.repo > into /etc/yum.repos.d and setting enabled=1 for the jpackage-rhel > and jpackage-generic-nonfree repositories. as for which specific > mirror to use... you could use the yum-fastestmirror plugin, or if you > want to hardcode it, do some testing and pick the mirror (http://jpackage.org/mirroring.php#mirrors > ) that works best for you. I'm sorry, I was in "Deer in the headlights mode". I should have said repos specifically. I have had these enabled: * epel: mirror.its.uidaho.edu * adobe-linux-i386: linuxdownload.adobe.com * jpackage-fc: planetmirror.com * jpackage-generic-nonfree: planetmirror.com * jpackage-rhel: planetmirror.com * rpmforge: fr2.rpmfind.net * jpackage-generic: planetmirror.com * base: mirror.its.uidaho.edu * updates: centos.mirrors.tds.net * centosplus: mirror.centos.org * addons: mirror.centos.org * jetty6localrepo: * extras: mirror.centos.org With Fedora, we had some problems between differing repos. So, I'd enable one and set another to 0, as I knew my way around. Which are verboten to mix within CentOS? Any on that list that need to be scratched out?? Thanks for your assistance. Ric -- ---------------------------------------------------- My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say: "There are two Great Sins in the world... ..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity. Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad. Linux user# 44256 Sign up at: http://counter.li.org/ https://nuoar.dev.java.net/ Verizon Cell # 336-254-1339