[CentOS] CentOS on Dell Poweredge 2850

Wed Sep 17 10:37:45 UTC 2008
Sorin@Gmail <sorin.srbu at gmail.com>

Ian Forde <> scribbled on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 11:10 AM:

> [snipping galore]  You've got a PERC
> 5/i, and I know that's supported in OMSA under RHEL 5.2.  So I'd say
> just go for it... and if you want more confirmation that it's certified
> and supported for RHEL 5.2, you can check the http://support.dell.com
> page, specify a PowerEdge 2850, and choose RHEL5.  The fact that it's
> there indicates that it's working for Dell, let people outside of
> Dell... RH had an entry at
> https://hardware.redhat.com/show.cgi?id=232290 but the link is busted.
> But it still shows that it's certified...

Busted link is up now.

FWIW, I just found out that this particular Poweredge 2850 has a PERC 4e.
Can't find any info on this on the above urls. However googling on "PERC 4e"
shows that some ppl seems to have gotten it to work, but that some rpms are
necessary post-install or something.
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