[CentOS] new 4.7 i586 kernel not happy

Wed Sep 17 15:15:06 UTC 2008
Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>

Akemi Yagi wrote:
>>> my poor little toshiba libretto (p-120) won't boot with the new 4.7 i586
>>> kernel.  i've reverted back to the previous kernel for now.  anyone else
>>> using the new i586 kernel successfully on old hardware?
>> <http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=3130>
>> Ralph
> As seen in that bug report, this is a known problem.  Your solution at
> this moment will be one of the following:
> (1) go back to the last kernel that worked
> (2) if you wish to go for the 4.7 kernel, use the centosplus kernel
> (3) rebuild the 4.7 kernel with an appropriate config file for i586
> I assume the issue would be corrected in the next kernel update.  It
> was just wrong config (i586) files that were used for building the
> kernel.

If someone wants to submit a patch, I'll have a go at pushing it through 
the buildsystems.

( will also comment on the issue report )

- KB