[CentOS] Security Guide for CentOS/RHEL

Thu Sep 18 15:31:55 UTC 2008
Josh Donovan <josh.dvan at yahoo.co.uk>

John Horne wrote:

> For rkhunter, as far as I can remember, the Fedora 8/9 packages are upto
> date, so you could download one of those from a mirror and install it.
> Personally, I install rkhunter from source, but you can build an RPM
> from the source tarball if you want (the source includes an RPM spec
> file). Latest version is 1.3.2.

I haven't looked at Fedora for a long time but what is in the EPEL? 
i.e. http://fedora.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/fedora-epel/4AS/i386/
There seems to be an rkhunter updated in Sep 2008 is that for RHEL4 AS?

Will the Fedora SRPMS (tripwire, rkhunter) for Fedora 8/9 rebuild without wanting a ton of stuff updated?
