> > If you haven't done *any* upgrade on that machine yet, use the > CentOS-Media repo (the .repo file is where all other .repo files are). > > Disable all other repos, enable that and do a "yum grouplist". You'll > see what group you have to install. > > Ralph > > Ralph, Ok part of my problem was I was mounting the DVD under /mnt/cdrom instead of /media/cdrom. yum repolist gives yum repolist Loading "fastestmirror" plugin repo id repo name status addons CentOS-5 - Addons enabled base CentOS-5 - Base enabled extras CentOS-5 - Extras enabled updates CentOS-5 - Updates enabled however when I do the "yum grouplist" its still trying to do the network yum not MEDIA repo and I get errors. I am still missing something. Thanks, Jerry