[CentOS] Network issues with CentOS 5.2

Fri Sep 19 15:13:58 UTC 2008
Joey Mendez <jmendez at ucsd.edu>

I appreciate your reply to my email. The steps ou have given me are 
things that I have done and are already in place. I still cannot get the 
eth to activate unless I issue it a static IP it for some reason will 
not activate under the DHCP selection. Has anyone ever experienced this.

If I do assign it an IP it will activate but still has no internet 
connection. I can ping itself but cannot ping any machine outside of it 
or have a machine outside be able to ping it.

Lanny Marcus wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 6:08 PM, Joey Mendez <jmendez at ucsd.edu> wrote:
>> I am totally new to using CentOS. Linux in Genera really. I have decent
>> experiencing with terminal code for Macs though.
> Jose:   Welcome!
>> Here's the deal my Boss wants us to move more toward linux for some of our
>> basic users. All I was supposed to do was install CentOS 5.2 and Open Office
>> and disburse the machines. Simple enough right. So I did this with no issue.
>> I ran the interface and installed only GNOME and KDE. After installation was
>> complete I activated the eth-0 and had it on DHCP. I connected to the net
>> fine and began downloading open office. I left for the day and came back and
>> I can no longer get back online. The eth-0 wont even activate unless I
>> manually enter a static IP but still can not establish a connection online.
>> I treid reinstalling to no avail. Even built a completely new box and still
>> no avail. I am using CentOS 5.2 i386 DVD.
>> Like I said I am new to this so any guidance would be appreciated to get me
>> into the Linux world. Thank you.
>  Linux is based on UNIX and networking started there. Networking will
> work for you!
> I normally install both GNOME and KDE, but 99% of the time, I use GNOME. When I
> install from a DVD, I install the majority of Applications and Systems
> things I want at
> that time. Then, in a Terminal Window (as root), do "yum update" to
> update everything
> to the latest version, for Security and Stability reasons.
> In GNOME, at the lower left hand corner, click on System >
> Administration >Network and enter the password for  root (the super
> user).
> That brings you to a GUI utility called system-config-network  Be sure
> that eth0 is shown as "Active" and then highlight it and click on
> "Edit". Be sure that "Activate Device when computer starts is
> checked". And, "Automatically obtain IP with DHCP". And, Automatically
> obtain DNS.
> A book I can recommend to you, would be the edition that covers Red
> Hat Enterprise Linux  5, of "Red Hat Fedora and Enterprise Linux
> Bible" by Christopher Negus. I'm sure that there are other excellent
> books, but this one will explain a lot to you. I think the version
> that covers RHEL 5 (CentOS is a rebuild of RHEL) is "Fedora 6 and Red
> Hat Enterprise Linux Bible", however you need to verify that, before
> you buy it, because I have an older version of the book. Please note
> that much of the book is about Fedora Core. Red Hat Enterprise Linux
> takes the best of Fedora Core and is a much more stable distribution,
> without the "latest and greatest". So, the book will help you with
> CentOS, because CentOS is a rebuild of RHEL.
> HTH, Lanny in Colombia
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Jose Mendez
Computer Resource Specialist

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