[CentOS] Up2date for 4.7?

Mon Sep 22 10:51:17 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Josh Donovan wrote:
> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> > Don't believe everyone, please file a bug report >:)
> Read the following long post on yum vs up2date
> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/2006-September/027265.html
> Don't quote me on this but I believe the reason apt4rpm was pulled
> from upstream was it had multilib issues.

Upstream never had apt4rpm in the enterprise product.

> Filing a bug is by all means "welcome" but will that mean the
> bastardized version of up2date that CentOS uses (Johhny's words)
> have the functionality of yum and its plugins?

No. But it will work as before, when the headers/ directory is there.

> Perhaps we could have a little fun with a 2008 version of
> yum vs Up2date vs Apt? Ha Ha Ha...

As said: apt4rpm works on the same metadata yum does, up2date doesn't
and is just there for "convenience mode". And as up2date still is in
CentOS 4, it "should work". For limited values of "work", but ...

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