[CentOS] Up2date for 4.7?

Mon Sep 22 11:31:57 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Josh Donovan wrote:
> Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> > Upstream never had apt4rpm in the enterprise product.
> Fedora > RHEL > CentOS
> CentOS 4 is based on Fedora Core 3 which at the time used
> apt4rpm. Why didn't it make its way to RHEL 4, while yum 
> made its way to RHEL 5?

Because FC3 used yum? 

> As the OP mentioned "learning curve issues", he may be
> used to up2date and he can look at the following from upstream.
> Q : What are the yum equivalents of former up2date common tasks?
> http://kbase.redhat.com/faq/FAQ_80_11223.shtm

There still is the fact that we are *SHIPPING* up2date and it *DOES NOT*
work at the moment. This has nothing to do with equivalents in yum or
FC3 having apt4rpm or whatnot.

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