[CentOS] Implementing LVS changes made in Piranha GUI

Thu Sep 25 19:13:57 UTC 2008
Barry Brimer <lists at brimer.org>

Quoting David Dyer-Bennet <dd-b at dd-b.net>:

> Every time I touch something, pieces fall off!  It's a good thing this
> stuff isn't in production yet (for me I mean).
> So I had an LVS, configured with Piranha, directing http test transactions
> across two servers.  I used Piranha to add another realserver.  It
> appeared in the lvs.cf file, but didn't appear in the ipvsadm output.  So
> I stopped and restarted Pulse.  And now *none* of the servers appear in
> the ipvsadm output.  Pulse says it started clean, and nothing in the
> syslog.  The gratuitous arp gets made, and the correct IPs are assigned to
> the correct interfaces.
> [ddb at prcapp02 ~]$ sudo ipvsadm
> IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
>   -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> TCP  prcvmod01.pinerivercapital.l wlc
> That's the write service name (the ".l" at the end is ".local" truncated).
>  WLC is the right scheduling mode.  But no remote addresses are listed.
> In lvs.cf, there are multiple servers present:
>     server vl31 {
>          address =
>          active = 1
>          weight = 2
>      }
>      server vw32 {
>          address =
>          active = 1
>          weight = 2
>      }
>      server vl41 {
>          address =
>          active = 1
>          weight = 4
>      }

Is the service itself active?

Do you have a line above these that says something like:

virtual example.com {
     active = 1