[CentOS] filesystem rpm fails when /home is NFS mounted

R P Herrold

herrold at centos.org
Thu Apr 2 20:40:59 UTC 2009

On Wed, 1 Apr 2009, Paul Heinlein wrote:

> I don't know if it's a bug or a feature, but the
> filesystem-2.4.0-2.el5.centos rpm won't upgrade cleanly if /home is an
> NFS filesystem.

I confirm this is present in 5.3 where /home is an NFS mount, 
and that I missed it in testing.  A workaround is:

1. Boot into single user node.
2. run: /sbin/service network start
3. run: yum -y update filesystem

If your system emitted the warning, but did not 'bail', it is 
safe to retieve the rpm locally, and to run:

# rpm -Uvh filesystem*rpm --force

as there are no scripts in play:

[herrold at centos-5 ~]$ sudo rpm -q --scripts filesystem
[herrold at centos-5 ~]$

The cause is the NFS root_squash being in effect when a NFS 
overmount is on a mountpoint, it seems.  /home happens to 
express it

It seems Paul and I are the last two users of NFS mounted 
/home left.

-- Russ herrold

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