[CentOS] New Centos 5.3 gnome backgroup

Robert Moskowitz

rgm at htt-consult.com
Mon Apr 6 17:46:55 UTC 2009

Marcus Moeller wrote:
> Good Evening.
> I spend some time to create a more 'classic' CentOS theme.
> # Wallpaper
> You can find the 4:3 wallpaper here:
> http://www.marcus-moeller.de/share/classic/wallpaper.png

Your curves do look a bit nice IMNSHO than the little boxes in the original.

Ah, what we spend our time on!

> Widescreen will follow
> # GRUB
> Download the matching GRUB Splash here:
> http://www.marcus-moeller.de/share/classic/splash.xpm.gz
> To activate this, you can first backup the original one with:
> cp /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz.orig
> and the copy the new one over:
> cp /path/to/the/downloaded/splash.xpm.gz /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
> # GDM
> To make use of the Classic GDM Theme, first download:
> http://www.marcus-moeller.de/share/classic/classic_gdm.tar.bz2
> and extract it to the GDM themes folder with:
> tar xvjf  Classic.tar.bz2 -C /usr/share/gdm/themes/
> To activate this theme, open Alt+F2 and enter gdmsetup (if it's not
> there, first yum install it)
> # RHGB
> The large CentOS RHGB logo really looks good with the Classic theme:
> http://www.marcus-moeller.de/share/classic/large-computer.png
> You can first backup the original logo with:
> cp /usr/share/rhgb/large-computer.png /usr/share/rhgb/large-computer.png.orig
> and then copy the new one over
> cp /path/to/the/downloaded/large-computer.png /usr/share/rhgb/large-computer.png
> ...
> I am going to push it into a SVN branch as soon as I find some time ;)
> Best Regards
> Marcus
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