So far I have upgraded 2 test laptops (no big servers or this, my main laptop). I am running from local repos. The OS repo is from downloading the isos and extracting them. The Update repo I get with an rsync command. On both laptops, the update ends with a dialog panel (oh, I am using gnome): The NetworkManager applet caould not find some required resources. It cannot continue. I don't see anything in /var/log/messages that might shed light on this. On both these systems, I have the NetworkManager deamon disabled. I was able to start it in a terminal window with the services command and it seems to have worked; I see the icon on the system tray. Meanwhile, going through messages I see a message at the end of the bootup about nm-system-settings about loading plugin ifcfg-rh. First it parses ifcfg-lo and then notifies that it is ignoring the loopback device config. It then goes on to read ifcfg-eth0 (which is set for ONBOOT=no, so nothing more happens). So is this dialog a 'bug' or just an artifact of upgrading from 5.2 to 5.3?