[CentOS] mock %post(pam) failure

Fri Apr 24 14:28:12 UTC 2009
David Hrbáč <hrbac.conf at seznam.cz>

Farkas Levente napsal(a):
> imho _many_ people would like to know the solution...

solution is easy. Make sure pam is installed before the coreutils. :o)
Now seriously. 32bit and 64bit pam packages come from the very same
source, so both have to be installed after coreutils and that it is not
so is the other thing. It may be rpm or yum "bug". The workaround for
the time being is to use patched pam package. The patch is:
Requires(post): coreutils, /sbin/ldconfig

There's package available within one of my testing repos.

David Hrbáč