[CentOS] Where's v5.3 source RPMs?

Wed Apr 1 21:24:47 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Michael A. Peters wrote:
> Well, technically the source has to be made available from CentOS to 
> anyone they distribute the software to.
> However, I don't believe it needs to be made available by http, CentOS 
> would probably be in GPL compliance if they distributed it on IBM punch 
> cards to those who requested it.

No. We have to distribute it the same way we distribute the binaries, so David
is correct. And yes, this was a release with many hiccups, he's correct there,
too. And I can understand him, I probably would feel the same.

But as it stands we're going to release the SRPMS a bit later than the
binaries, and we will try to make the next release smoother.

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