[CentOS] xview not in 5.3

Sun Apr 5 21:57:41 UTC 2009
D Tucny <d at tucny.com>

2009/4/6 Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com>

> I used xview in 5.2 from package xloadimage.
> This doesnt seem to be present in 5.3
> Has it moved to a different package?
> yum provides "*/xview" didnt return anything.

The xloadimage package is not in 5.3, but, it is in the Fedora EPEL

According to your post on 8th August 2007, you'd noticed it was missing from
5 whereas it had been present in 4... So, if you have used it in 5.2, I'd
suggest that perhaps you sourced it from another repository, such as the
EPEL one...

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