[CentOS] Bugzilla not working following RHEL to CentOS migration

Chris Ross

cnts5645 at tebibyte.org
Tue Aug 11 10:47:07 UTC 2009

On 08/11/2009 11:20 AM, Rob Kampen wrote:
> Sorry for top post blame my iPhone
> It looks like there is a mySql table missing between the old and new
> versions of bugzilla.
> Look for a script in the newer version that performs the table updates

The nearest would be the checksetup.pl script. That reports Bugzilla 
requires DBD::mysql 4.0 or later and that I should install it from CPAN 
(see below). I currently have perl-DBD-MySQL-3.0007-2.el5 which is the 
latest one from yum.

So, if the RHEL's yum upgrade of Bugzilla from 3.0.2 to 3.2.4 also 
required that perl-DBD-MySQL be upgraded to 4.0 or later, why wasn't it? 
Ergo I conclude that in fact it's not needed and that something else is 
wrong. I can't be the only person running Bugzilla on CentOS/RHEL 5! It 
does mean that checksetup.pl doesn't complete though. Obviously 
installing from CPAN is not the right answer.

Many thanks,
Chris R.

[root at neodymium bugzilla]# ./checksetup.pl
* This is Bugzilla 3.2.4 on perl 5.8.8
* Running on Linux 2.6.18-128.4.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Aug 4 20:19:25 EDT 2009

Checking perl modules...
Checking for              CGI.pm (v3.21)   ok: found v3.44
Checking for            TimeDate (v2.21)   ok: found v2.22
Checking for           PathTools (v0.84)   ok: found v3.12
Checking for                 DBI (v1.41)   ok: found v1.52
Checking for    Template-Toolkit (v2.15)   ok: found v2.18
Checking for          Email-Send (v2.00)   ok: found v2.185
Checking for          Email-MIME (v1.861)  ok: found v1.863
Checking for Email-MIME-Encodings (v1.313)  ok: found v1.313
Checking for Email-MIME-Modifier (v1.442)  ok: found v1.444

Checking available perl DBD modules...
Checking for              DBD-Pg (v1.45)   ok: found v1.49
Checking for           DBD-mysql (v4.00)    found v3.0007
Checking for          DBD-Oracle (v1.19)    not found

The following Perl modules are optional:
Checking for                  GD (v1.20)    not found
Checking for               Chart (v1.0)     not found
Checking for         Template-GD (any)      not found
Checking for          GDTextUtil (any)      not found
Checking for             GDGraph (any)      not found
Checking for            XML-Twig (any)     ok: found v3.26
Checking for          MIME-tools (v5.406)  ok: found v5.420
Checking for         libwww-perl (any)     ok: found v2.033
Checking for         PatchReader (v0.9.4)  ok: found v0.9.5
Checking for          PerlMagick (any)      not found
Checking for           perl-ldap (any)     ok: found v0.33
Checking for         Authen-SASL (any)     ok: found v2.12
Checking for          RadiusPerl (any)     ok: found v0.13
Checking for           SOAP-Lite (any)      not found
Checking for         HTML-Parser (v3.40)   ok: found v3.56
Checking for       HTML-Scrubber (any)     ok: found v0.08
Checking for Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper (any)     ok: found v1.313
Checking for         Email-Reply (any)     ok: found v1.201
Checking for            mod_perl (v1.999022) ok: found v2.000004
* OPTIONAL MODULES                                                   *
* Certain Perl modules are not required by Bugzilla, but by          *
* installing the latest version you gain access to additional        *
* features.                                                          *
*                                                                    *
* The optional modules you do not have installed are listed below,   *
* with the name of the feature they enable. If you want to install   *
* one of these modules, just run the appropriate command in the      *
* "COMMANDS TO INSTALL" section.                                     *

* MODULE NAME * ENABLES FEATURE(S)                                    *
*          GD * Graphical Reports, New Charts, Old Charts             *
*       Chart * New Charts, Old Charts                                *
* Template-GD * Graphical Reports                                     *
*  GDTextUtil * Graphical Reports                                     *
*     GDGraph * Graphical Reports                                     *
*  PerlMagick * Optionally Convert BMP Attachments to PNGs            *
*   SOAP-Lite * XML-RPC Interface                                     *

              GD: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl GD
           Chart: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Chart::Base
     Template-GD: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl 
      GDTextUtil: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl GD::Text
         GDGraph: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl GD::Graph
      PerlMagick: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Image::Magick
       SOAP-Lite: /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl SOAP::Lite

To attempt an automatic install of every required and optional module
with one command, do:

   /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl --all

Reading /etc/bugzilla/localconfig...
Checking for           DBD-mysql (v4.00)    found v3.0007

For MySQL, Bugzilla requires that perl's DBD::mysql 4.00 or later be
installed. To install this module, run the following command (as root):

     /usr/bin/perl install-module.pl DBD::mysql

[root at neodymium bugzilla]# rpm -qa *DBD*

[root at neodymium bugzilla]# nice yum upgrade perl-DBD-MySQL
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * epel: ftp.uni-koeln.de
  * rpmfusion-nonfree-updates-testing: rpmfusion.famillecollet.com
  * rpmfusion-free-updates: rpmfusion.famillecollet.com
  * rpmfusion-nonfree-updates: rpmfusion.famillecollet.com
  * rpmfusion-free-updates-testing: rpmfusion.famillecollet.com
  * base: mirror.answerstolove.com
  * extras: mirror.answerstolove.com
  * addons: mirror.answerstolove.com
  * updates: mirror.answerstolove.com
                                 | 2.3 kB     00:00
Not using downloaded repomd.xml because it is older than what we have:
   Current   : Wed Aug  5 20:36:52 2009
   Downloaded: Fri Jul 31 22:06:47 2009
                                 | 2.8 kB     00:00
                                 |  951 B     00:00
                                 | 2.8 kB     00:00
                                 | 2.8 kB     00:00
                                 | 2.8 kB     00:00
                                 | 1.1 kB     00:00
                                 | 1.1 kB     00:00
                                 |  951 B     00:00
                                 |  951 B     00:00
Setting up Upgrade Process
No Packages marked for Update

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