[CentOS] Noob Question: Uninstalling Firefox rpm's

Mon Aug 17 01:15:34 UTC 2009
lostson <lostson at lostsonsvault.org>

On Sun, 2009-08-16 at 20:13 -0500, Chuck wrote:
> I want to uninstall the default version of firefox, however there
> appears to be 2 of the same rpm's installed and its complaining..
> I've been in Solaris land for the last 5 years and my rpm skills
> aren't the most current; how is this achieved?
> [root at canthus ~]# rpm -q -a firefox
> firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos
> firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos
> [root at canthus ~]# rpm -e firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos
> error: "firefox-3.0.10-1.el5.centos" specifies multiple packages
  try a  yum remove firefox  that should remove it i would think.


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