[CentOS] Web

Sun Aug 2 16:35:43 UTC 2009
Christoph Maser <cmr at financial.com>

Am Sonntag, den 02.08.2009, 18:23 +0200 schrieb madunix:
> yesterday, I have checked my site in W3 validation and it has shown me
> some 150 errors and 55 warnings. I want to know how these errors
> affect my site, is there big impact on the system? how to read them,
> And how to fix those errors?
> I used http://validator.w3.org/  and http://validator.aborla.net/
> sample of the output (document type does not allow element "title"
> here, required attribute "type" not specified, TOTAL_OBJECTS -
> Warning! The total number of objects..  will dominate web page delay,
> CSS_SIZE - Caution. The total size of your external CSS is above 8K
> and less than 20K...etc

Sorry but I think tis is off topic  here. This list is about CentOS,
your topic is a much more general one.


financial.com AG

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