[CentOS] Centralised logging with Gui and alerts?

Fri Aug 14 02:12:34 UTC 2009
Darrin Khan <medavian at gmail.com>

Hello Gavin,

We have a large number of locations around the world with a number of
servers in each. We use rsyslog to handle this, as we are able to use
encrypted connections back to the central servers.

Also each location has an aggregation host, so not all servers have to
connect back to the central ones.

check out rsyslog.com, they also have a basic GUI, tho I have not used
it. On the win32 side of things, not sure what you could do there ..


2009/8/13 Gavin Henry <gavin.henry at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> If logging all logs via syslog to a central syslog server that are all
> Centos based, what GUIs are out there to browse them etc. ? I know
> about splunk but don't want to go down that route.
> Also, some servers are hosted and would be best not sending their logs
> across the net to a central syslog (although we could openvpn them
> in), so can the same system be setup to receive logwatch emails?
> Any tips or best practices for this above and beyond just a central
> syslog server would be very appreciated.
> Server numbers are in the double figures and some are Windows (would
> be nice to get some of those 'logs' too - snare?).
> Thanks.
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
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Darrin Khan
medavian at gmail.com

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