Dave, --- On Fri, 8/14/09, Dave <dave.mehler at gmail.com> wrote: > From: Dave <dave.mehler at gmail.com> > Subject: [CentOS] building CentOS rpms? > To: centos at centos.org > Date: Friday, August 14, 2009, 5:31 PM > Hello, > I'd like to get in to rpm building and > am looking for a CentOS > specific document if any to get me going? I want to > repackage an existing > rpm and give it different runtime options so it'll work on > a server, and > make an rpm at least one probably more, and then submit > them to the rpmforge > repo. The rpmforge repo is independent (but much loved) from Centos. It has its own rules and mailing lists. http://lists.rpmforge.net/ To get started you need a small toolset called rpmdevtools (found at Epel). (usage): To make a buildroot in your home folder, rpmdev-setuptree Create RPM build tree within user's home directory The bible for building rpm packages was written by Ed Bailey http://www.rpm.org/max-rpm/ Fedora has stellar docs for rpm building, compatible with Centos https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Guidelines To modify an SRPM, you need to extract the source to your buildroot first. If you want to change default values in a config file, then rebuild the rpm, you can use rpmbuild. -- Mark