[CentOS] "csh -v" show history at end of batch job (CENTOS 5.4)???

Thu Dec 3 21:48:10 UTC 2009
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

> I have some batch JOBs migrate from CEBTOS 5.3 to CENTOS 5.4 server.
> Those batch files start on "#!/bin/csh -v".  Those batch files run good
> under CENTOS 5.3. on CENTOS 5.4 batch jobs still run good but end of batch
> priocess it will show "history".
> Does anyone know why?

Not sure, but on the first upgrade to 5.4, one of our people found a bug
in the globbing in tcsh (which is what csh will be running), and it did
quirky things. My manager went to report it, and it had already been
listed in bugzilla. On a newer upgrade, it *seems* to have been fixed. I
can find the bug number, if you want.

So your choices are yum downgrade tcsh, or try upgrading to the latest tcsh.
