[CentOS] mkdir this "." directory

Tue Dec 29 17:08:40 UTC 2009
Timo Schoeler <timo.schoeler at riscworks.net>

Bob McConnell wrote:
> Timo Schoeler wrote:
>> Marko Vojinovic wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 29 December 2009 14:46:23 Anne Wilson wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday 29 December 2009 13:59:43 Ugo Bellavance wrote:
>>>>> On 2009-12-28 18:49, adrian kok wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> I have this . folder under tmp
>>>>> It is a system-generated link to the current directory.  Don't touch
>>>>> that.
>>>> Thank heavens there's one sane person reading today.  Obviously no-one else
>>>> here was ever new to Linux.
>>> You mean new to the concept of files and directories? This is not Linux-only. 
>>> The . and .. existed even in MS-DOS back in the 80's. And they still exist, 
>>> actually. The problem is that today people working under Windows [7|Vista|XP] 
>>> never get to open a terminal anymore, and various GUI's play smart with them 
>>> and don't show the links to current and parent directories.
>> Sure, but: Nobody's guilty *not* to have seen this stuff in her/his
>> whole life just because she/he never looked at it. There may be multiple
>> reasons for that, one of them may be a simple 'I was born in 1996 and
>> never had the chance to work with CP/M'. ;)
> Never say "never". You still have the opportunity to work with CP/M, 
> either with custom built hardware or any of a number of good simulators 
> currently available on Source Forge. There is still an active Usenet 
> newsgroup on the topic (comp.os.cpm), with hardware being designed and 
> new kits being sold. Almost all of the source code is now available at 
> <http://www.cpm.z80.de/>.


s/had the chance/was forced to/g

I still run IRIX, even NeXTSTEP -- just for fun; I run AIX on my
personal workstation. So, if there's anybody out there willing to have a
look at well designed/funny/whatever operating systems... ;)

> Bob McConnell
