[CentOS] Emergency rescue help needed

Thu Feb 5 12:41:26 UTC 2009
Brent L. Bates <blbates at vigyan.com>

     Personally, I find this UPS exploding paranoia rather ridiculous.  One
person has one UPS burst into flames and everyone is yelling the sky is
falling.  We have no idea what conditions the UPS had been subjected to and to
then jump to the conclusion that all UPS's are bombs waiting to explode is
just insane.
     We've been using UPS's for years and years and the worst we've had are
batteries that got swollen to the point we had to use a crowbar to get them
out of the UPS.  We then replaced the battery and had years more use out of
the UPS.  We've purchased used UPS's at government auctions, replaced the
batteries, and had years of service out of them.
     All our UPS's are APC.  We have and have used a wide range of sizes, from
250VA to 3000VA, Backup's to SmartUp's.  I've used/tried other brands, but
haven't been as satisfied with them.  APC isn't perfect, they've made some
stupid mistakes, but I've been more satisfied with them than the others we've

  Brent L. Bates (UNIX Sys. Admin.)	Phone:(757) 865-1400, x204
  ViGYAN, Inc.			  	  FAX:(757) 865-8177
  30 Research Drive
  Hampton, Virginia  23666-1325
  Email: blbates at vigyan.com