[CentOS] chkconfig path

Tue Feb 17 22:25:42 UTC 2009
Geert Batsleer <batsleer at gmail.com>

Hi all!

I'm trying to install FOG (an opensource ghostlike  backup/rollout server)
on a centos 5 box but at the end of the isntaller script it can't find
chckconfig altough it's in /sbn and I run the (redhat specific install)
script as root.

How can I make sure chckconfig gets found? Tried adding the full path in the
script  to /sbin/chckconfig but got the same error.

Regards, Geert

  * Checking package: perl...OK
  * Checking package: perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5...OK
  * Checking package: lftp...OK

  Configuring services.

  * Setting up fog user...Exists
  * Setting up and starting MySql../lib/redhat/functions.sh: line 440:
chkconfig: command not found
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