[CentOS] package manager CentOS

Wed Feb 25 15:38:04 UTC 2009
Filipe Brandenburger <filbranden at gmail.com>


On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 08:33, Raghu Narasimhan <raghu.united at gmail.com> wrote:
> Super, thanks for the tip. Turned out the 'enabled' parameter was 1. Changed
> it to 0 and all is well. Now 0 packages are excluded  due to priorities.

You clearly did not understand what the priorities plug-in is and what
it is used for. By excluding a repository, 0 packages are excluded by
the priorities plug-in, but at the same time all the others that were
available in that repository will no longer be available anymore, so
in fact you have *less* packages than you did before.

Please read here:

And here:

> Second: I was able to install python-paramiko. It seems to work with
> Python2.3 (Python2.3 comes as default with CentOS). I have installed Python
> 2.4.6 and need the same to work with that. Any tips?

If you're installing Python 2.4 on CentOS 4, it means you still did
not grasp the concepts of an Enterprise Linux distribution.

Please see:

You will probably not get any support from this list for your Python
2.4 install on CentOS 4, since that is clearly not part of CentOS

Luckily for you, if you really need Python 2.4, you can move to CentOS
5, it will be present there.

If you want to stick to the bleeding edge, you'd better look into
distros such as Fedora and Ubuntu.
