[CentOS] (a) WinPower RPM available? (b) where to install if use tar.gz file?

Fri Feb 27 18:38:51 UTC 2009
Phil Schaffner <Philip.R.Schaffner at NASA.gov>

Lanny Marcus wrote:
> (b) If I need to download the tar.gz file and install from that, it
> looks from their documentation that they install into
> /opt/MonitorSoftware     Is it better to install into /usr/local or
> into /opt? What is the recommendation for a CentOS box, when
> installing non RPM software? Where best to install non RPM stuff? TIA!

I prefer /usr/local and that seems to be more common, but either should 
work.  As for tarball installs - to be avoided if possible - there's 
always checkinstall.

Name   : checkinstall
Arch   : i386
Version: 1.6.0
Release: 3.el5.rf
Size   : 82 k
Repo   : rpmforge
Summary: CheckInstall installations tracker
CheckInstall keeps track of all the files created or modified by your
installation script ("make install" "make install_modules", "setup",
etc), builds a standard binary package and installs it in your system
giving you the ability to uninstall it with your distribution's
standard package management  utilities.
