[CentOS] network question

John R Pierce

pierce at hogranch.com
Tue Jan 27 19:58:57 UTC 2009

ann kok wrote:
> How can I clear the arp cache?

man arp      shows the options.   arp caches expire fairly quickly 
though, I don't think I've ever needed to manually expire one.

> and 
> ls it possible to setup 2 gateways in centos

you can have various static routes to different gateways for specific 
subnets.    only one 'default' gateway will effectively work, if more 
than one is defined, its somewhat indeterminate as to what happens.

now, you -can- play games with 'ip route' and 'ip table' and have 
alternate route tables, and use tagging to identify packets you want to 
route through an alternate gateway, this gets kinda messy.

example...      3 interfaces, eth0 -> one internet connection with a 
static subnet, eth1 -> another internet connection with a static subnet, 
and eth2 -> LAN as

The regular CentOS networknig is setup to use eth0's default gateway, 
and have all 3 subnets properly configured.    NAT rules are setup so 
any host on the LAN on 10.0.0.* is to be routed to eth0, and any host on 
10.0.1.* is to be routed to eth1.  futher, a bunch of IPs on eth1 are 
mapped to specific server hosts on 10.0.1.* ... that part is fairly 
straight forward.   the actually tricky part is to ensure that packets 
to/from these eth1 mapped hosts only exit via eth1...  thats done as 

    # network of eth1 interface
    # internet gateway of eth1 interface
    ip rule add from table 200
    ip route add default via $eth1gate dev eth1 table 200
    ip route flush cache

(where 100.100.100.* is the internet address of this eth1 subnet) 
the ip rule command 'tags' any packets from to use this 
alternate table '200' (if you prefer, you can name these tables via 
the ip route add command sets an alternate gateway only for packets 
using this special table, and the flush command makes sure any route 
caching is cleaned.   this `ip` command (actually /sbin/ip) is part of 
the iproute2 package.  

this stuff gets quite tricky fast, and requires you to really understand 
what you're doing.

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