[CentOS] ls network address traslation different in centos?

Fri Jan 2 16:16:17 UTC 2009
jkinz at kinz.org <jkinz at kinz.org>

On Thu, Jan 01, 2009 at 10:13:55PM -0500, Robert Spangler wrote:
> Your rules are in need of help.
> First off  I am not even sure what you are doing will work, i.e.;
> --append or --table
> These are written as '-A' and '-t'

Hi Bob, 

just fyi "--table" and "--append" are both documented in the
man page for iptables so they "should" work just as well as 
"-A" and -t".  

I admit, I only use the short forms myself. :-)  

Jeff Kinz
