[CentOS] Solved - Re: After BIND update owner changed and restart failed

Mon Jan 12 15:51:11 UTC 2009
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> > And therein hangs my snafu.  named.acl only had 600 for permissions so 
> > when the group was changed to root by the update, the named process 
> > could no longer access the file even with the owner being named.  Go 
> > figure.  So I just need to fix my permissions to 644 and I will be OK 
> > for the next update....
> As said (and see below): No script in one of the bind packages changes
> ownership and/or modes on any of the files in there.

Okay, as has been pointed out: /usr/sbin/bind-chroot-admin does all
this. You could report that as a bug upstream, but I doubt it will get
fixed. My fault, I didn't see that.


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