[CentOS] CentOS 4 update backlog

Mon Jan 12 22:04:44 UTC 2009
Vandaman <vandaman2002-sk at yahoo.co.uk>

R P Herrold wrote:

> You hold no @centos.org, nor role beyond mailing list 
> participant.  A non-enumerated list is worse than useless,
> as 
> it falsely causes concern.  So near as I can tell (and I
> read 
> ALL bug filings, centdor-sec, and a daily custom locally 
> produced report of all upstream produced updates), you do
> NOT 
> file bugs in the bug tracker to make formal your concern. 
> You talk, just to make noise.

So I need a @centos.org address to ask the obvious do I? If so 
I missed your response to the post I made last month about 
security updates missing for almost a month.

Members of the CentOS community should, in a free world be able 
to ask valid questions aand offer to volunteer if that is needed. 
Off course some don't live in the free world so its 
