RobertH wrote: > i am new to the x86 64 bit centos versions. > > ive always used the 32 bit version on industrial type HP hardware > > for those of you that are running x86 64 bit centos, other than specific > hardware issues, are you finding that 5.x centos is better than 4.x centos > for x86 64 bit processing? > > does it matter in the amd vrs intel hardware differences what you choose to > use for centos version? > > other things to make note of? > > if i need to be more specific in the general-ness of the approach, please > let me know. > > thanks in advance for feedback. > the first generation of Intel Xeon's (based on P4 Prescott) that supported x86_64 were only slightly faster in 64bit mode than in 32bit mode, while the AMD Opterons were considerably faster. the newer Intel Xeons (based on Core2Duo) are quite a bit better. the latest Intel CPUs are generally faster at most/many things than AMD's CPUs, however, AMDs CPUs may still do better at scientific type programming that can't take advantage of the SSE3/etc 'dsp' style functions. Servers are as much a function of memory and IO bandwidth as anything, so there's many factors.