[CentOS] OFF Topic - Looking for web based file management application for law firm & clients

Thu Jan 29 18:19:12 UTC 2009
dnk <d.k.emaillists at gmail.com>

On 29-Jan-09, at 10:09 AM, Scott Silva wrote:

> on 1-29-2009 8:45 AM Ed Morrison spake the following:
>> Hi All:
>> I am working with a law firm that would like to offer to it's clients
>> the ability to access their documents through a web interface.  This
>> would require a nice gui to offer the clients with a simple process  
>> for
>> the clients to download from.  It would also need to be secure
>> (authentication & SSL), and mandatory disclaimer acceptance before
>> logging into their account.  Anyone with experience or thoughts on  
>> this
>> matter?
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
> I saw an article recently about the Swiss Federal courts using  
> Alfresco for
> something like this.

Knowledge Tree was the other i was looking at.
