Greg Bailey

gbailey at lxpro.com
Thu Jul 9 05:31:15 UTC 2009

madunix wrote:
> Dear ALL,
> What  are the experiences you have with various open source CMS
> products (Comparison of PHP-based CMS) such as  (Drupal, Joomla,
> OpenCMS, Typo3, eZ publish ..etc.)
> Security, Bugs, Performance, Support, Developer Community, learning
> curve, appearance..etc
> Thanks
> -mu

I recently have been asked by a few different people to "help them set 
up a web site".  My challenge was finding one that a non-technical 
person can maintain.  After digging through lots of trial installations, 
I settled on "CMS Made Simple" http://www.cmsmadesimple.org and it's 
worked great so far.  I like that it generates menus, etc. 
automatically, and can be used to generate and maintain a small business 
web site without having to look as much like a blog...  All the others 
you mention have great features, etc. but would be overwhelming for a 
non-technical person, in my opinion.


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