[CentOS] Networking Issue
centos at linuxpowered.netTue Jun 9 01:38:57 UTC 2009
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Joseph L. Casale wrote: > Now it seems there is still one last hurdle, when the connection is yanked > to simulate a complete outage, asterisk still goes down. I can only assume > this happens now as a result of no default gateway? check the logs? run strace on the process? run tcpdump on the interface(s) to see what traffic it is trying to transmit? > > Would setting up a silly route for to say for the > internal > nic in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth1 with a metric higher than > what the ISP's dhcp servers default gw would be possibly cure this? My hope > is that when the wan nic goes down, a route is still available. Last I checked the 'metric' number in the linux routing table is really only used when your using a routing daemon. as far as default routes go, it should not have any impact. I suspect the route is not the issue, I suspect that the app is trying to talk to something external and then fails, it will fail the same if you try to point it to a router that goes nowhere. tcpdump should be able to tell you who the host is trying to talk to. strace might reveal why. nate
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