[CentOS] Networking Issue
Joseph L. Casale
JCasale at activenetwerx.comTue Jun 9 23:55:42 UTC 2009
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>I have almost this same setup running with no problems. Make sure you >have only one default gateway on your server defined on your Internet >facing interface. This should be getting assigned from the DHCP >request to your ISP so make sure you don't have a gateway in your >internal interface. > >As far as Asterisk crashing, that sounds like application problem >(like Nate said) trying to communicate over the connection that was >pulled out. However, make sure it's listening on all interfaces >(, or just the internal static IP, so it's not specifically >listening on the DHCP IP that could change or go away when the network >cable is yanked. > >A local tcpdump or wireshark should shed some light on this problem if >the above doesn't change anything. That's interesting, binding it to the internal nics ip... Nate's post has me resolved to just go in on a Saturday and sit at the console running some tests. But with this in mind, I might be better armed for success. I also found someone suggesting not to use the fqdn in the sip peer reg, as he had the same issues I do. Lots of love for Asterisk, but I may resolve to learning Freeswitch as I am thinking the developer has fixed some long outstanding problems with Asterisk. The ast devs would argue a robust network is required, but core dumping when a dns query fails? WTF kind of code is that? Thanks for the good idea! jlc
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